Dato 5.2.10 – Menu bar calendar & time zones


Dato is a replacement for the system menu bar clock.


By default, it looks exactly the same, but when you click it, you get a small calendar, calendar events for the next week, the current time in various time zones (even with custom names), week number, and more. You can customize what to show in the menu and the menu bar.


Dato supports all the locales and languages that macOS supports for dates, times, and the calendar, but the menus are English-only.



  • Calendar, optionally with week numbers. Your upcoming events for the next week at a glance (customizable).Time zones, optionally with custom names.Search time zones by city (15K cities included).Customizable.Double-click a day in the calendar to open that day in the default calendar app.
  • (Supports: Calendar, Fantastical 2, BusyCal).Fully offline with no network entitlements, for your privacy benefit.Supports calendar events with HTML formatted notes.Lots of keyboard shortcuts for power users.”Join Zoom Meeting” button on Zoom meeting calendar invites.



Double-click a day in the calendar to open that day in the default calendar app. Press the arrow keys to change days in the calendar. Press the Space key to select today in the calendar. Swipe with two fingers on the calendar to change months, or press the left/right arrow keys while holding the Option key. Press the left/right arrow keys while holding the Shift and Option keys to change years in the calendar. Hold the Option key while clicking the calendar arrows to jump a year instead of a month.



Version 5.2.10:

  • Fixed an issue with opening Dato on a secondary screen in some rare cases.



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • macOS 14.4 or later




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Size – 16.6MB